Brands Kids Music Company
Product Code: MC1-Dig Set
Availability: In Stock

Moving Colour 1 is the first collection in a series designed to motivate children to move and learn, using colour, texture and shape. These 18 especially compiled tracks give you all the ideas, at your finger-tips. 

You could be forgiven for thinking these games are just for fun but games involving Moving Colour are also very beneficial. When used in pre-school children develop social skills, and in primary school they create a welcome break in the day which is often filled with two-dimensional learning.

But this is just the beginning. When children use colour in a three-dimensional setting there are many benefits.

Through using props children can develop skills in:
Eye tracking, eye teaming, peripheral vision
Body and spatial awareness
Teamwork, patience, tolerance, responsibility
Coordination, midline, upper body strength, balance
Timing, hand-eye and foot-eye coordination
Focussed listening

Moving Colour 1 includes activities for parachutes, stretchy rings, hoops, small elastics, bean bags, scarves, raffia, balls, and more. You may have many of these props in your school or centre already. 

This Digital Bk and Tracks set contains easy to follow teaching steps to ensure you get the most out of each track.

Tracks include: Stretchy Cord, Wriggle & Jiggle, Rubber Ball, Stretchy Lycra, Jazzy Ragout, Crystal Breeze, Break Out, Howdy Partner, Splish Splash Splosh, Stretching Taller, Teddy's Parachute, Middle of the Circle, Colour Dancing, Spanish Sunrise, Rolling the Ball with You, Oceans, Bright Balloon, Swings & Seesaws

Moving Colour 1 Track Samples:


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